Friday, January 8, 2010

Can anyone help me get better in cod 4 (xbox360)?

My gamer tag its extrem3speed and ill like someone to help me get better since am not that good with some tips , tricks , spots , etc.Can anyone help me get better in cod 4 (xbox360)?
i would just play online alot it reallly helps i started on cod 4 and am now on 5 and im pretty good just play on it more so you learn the map and which guns to use and try to find where the main action is and where people are and when you are on 4 kill streak or 6 streak dont just run out stupidly and lose your streak and a possible air strike or helicopter also when you are isung a sniper have stopping power on to granetee one shot kill and also wait until a uav recon plane before you call an air strike thats al i can say hope it helpsCan anyone help me get better in cod 4 (xbox360)?
I could show you some good camping spots, but none that will get you so many kills it really depends on your own type of gameplay do you like camping or rushing?

Sub or Assault?

Jugg or Sleight of hand.

Personally heres my FAVOURITE class if it helps ;)

M4 Carbine


Sleight of Hand

Steady Aim

Red Dot ;)

Might sound rubbish but its great :D can go to to have a look ,many sellers are selling it on this website with a low price^^
Why don't you try reading some guides and FAQs.

Try or

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